Ultrasonics is for Everyone and Everything

Helse manufactures cutting edge ultrasonic tips for different specialties and procedures. Choose yours below and check our complete portfolio. We also have a great ultrasonic unit and the best articulating film on the market. 


Tips for troughing, activation, isthmus cleaning, retreatment, post removal, apical surgery, and much more.

Restorative Dentistry

Tips designed to avoid any soft tissue damage during crown and cavity preparation and finishing.

Perio & Scaling

A complete line of tips to remove biofilm and calculus, even the massive ones. Includes our new LowSpray line.


Our piezo unit is affordable and effective. You can also order extra hand pieces for faster instrument exchange.


Osteotomy tips for regular and surgical piezo units. The most precise way to perform sinus lifting.

Accessories & Supplies

 Articulating film, tip holder,  tightening wrench, endo pen, and more to come.

Dr Mounce Quote

“For the top level endodontist and general dentist alike, Helse tips are unmatched in quality, price and function. When it matters, for me, it’s Helse.”

Richard Mounce, DDS