Locating Second Mesiobuccal Canals (MB2)

Leave No Canal Untreated with Ultrasonics

Studies on maxillary first molar anatomy show that the second mesiobuccal canal (MB2) is present in 65-90% of the cases. Ultrasonic instrumentation with a diamond coated insert (E2D or E6D) along the line connecting the primary mesiobuccal and the palatal canals will often reveal the MB2 orifice location. Clinically, the use of magnification and ultrasonics is the most effective technique to locate the MB2 canal.


E2D – Conical Diamond

The E2D – Conical Diamond is indicated for both side and end cutting, enlarging the ishtmus and troughing.


E3D – Ball Diamond

The E3D – Ball Diamond provides fine cutting control when troughing yet it is less aggressive than the E6D – Pear Diamond. It is designed to remove coronal obstructions, find canals, restorative materials, calcifications, etc. The E3D creates a smooth, flat, clean troughing groove that eases canal location. It can also be used to refine prep margins and box preps, and to remove caries.


E6D – Pear Diamond

The E6D – Pear Diamond has excellent durability. It is used to locate canals, remove coronal obstructions, calcifications, restorative materials, cements (permanent and temporary), etc. The tip creates a smooth, flat, clean troughing groove that eases canal location. It can also be used to refine prep margins and box preps, and to remove caries.


E15 – The Finder™

The Finder is a diamond coated ultrasonic tip with an end diameter similar to the one of a #2 Gates Glidden drill (around 0.7mm). Designed initially to locate MB2 canals, it has been also used with great efficiency to locate calcified canals, locate isthmuses, and to prepare the root canal orifice. Its long shape allows enhanced visualization through the microscope. 


R2 – Flatsonic™

The R2 Flatsonic™ tip is used for selective cleaning of areas left untouched by traditional files. It is an excellent choice for retreatments, especially in long oval canals, where even the R1 Clearsonic would not fit. Very effective in the removal of Gutta-Percha.

Step-by-Step Calcified Canal Location

The orifice for the MB2 is usually located along the imaginary line connecting the main mesiobuccal canal (MB1) and the palatal canal, typically 2-3 millimeters distance from the MB1 orifice.

1 – Using a diamond coated ultrasonic insert (E2D or E6D), create a groove connecting the MB1 and the palatal canals. This will remove secondary dentin, lighter in color.

2 – The dentin covering the pulp chamber floor and its mesial wall must completely removed.

1. Create a groove to connect the MB1 and the palatal canal.

2. Locate the MB2 orifice along the groove.

3. Use an appropriate file to negotiate and prepare the canal.

Pulp chamber of a maxillary first molar.

E6D ultrasonic insert used to locate the MB2.

Manual file penetrating the MB2.

MB2 after location and preparation.

The MB1 and MB2 canals may be merged in a single oval or strip shaped canal.

Dr. Ricardo Quote

“Since I started to use Helse ultrasonic tips, it was clear to me that I was dealing with innovative and excellent products for Endodontics. Cost wise they are a great deal, and the clinical results are outstanding.”

Prof. Dr. Ricardo Affonso Bernardes, MSc, PhD

Starter Packs to get you going.

Starter Packs to get you going.

We’ve assembled three separate starter packs packaged with a procedure field guide to get you started supercharging ultrasonics in your practice.

Endo Starter Pack

The Endo Starter Pack includes 6 Ultrasonics Tips to get you started with Pulp Chamber, Middle Third and Activation procedures.

Endo Master Pack

The Endo Master Pack includes 12 Ultrasonics Tips for Pulp Chamber, Middle Third, Activation, Post Removal and Retreatment procedures.

Endo Guru Pack

The Endo Guru Pack includes 18 Ultrasonics Tips for maximum flexibility with Pulp Chamber, Middle Third, Activation,Post Removal, Apical Surgery and Retreatment procedures.


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