Cutting and Condensing Gutta-Percha

Use Ultrasonics to cut and condense gutta percha with excellent results.

The most common technique to cut and condense Gutta-Percha requires the use of expensive heating instruments. These may cost thousands of dollars and have no use in other daily procedures. A simple, fast and inexpensive way to do it is using ultrasonics – the heat produced by the ultrasonic tip is enough to cut and condense the material. The final results are very similar and the procedure can be done with the same ultrasonic unit already in use in other steps of the treatment. 


<img alt=" E11 Heatsonic™ Ultrasonic Endo Tip"

E11 – Heatsonic™

The E11 Heatsonic™ is a .05 taper/20 ISO insert, ideal for thermoplasticizing Gutta-Percha in the most apical portion of the canal. To avoid accidental use of water during the procedures, the Heatsonic insert does not have a water port.


E10 – Bulk Removal

The E10 is used for bulk removal of pulp chamber calcifications or other restorative materials that may obstruct the root canal access. It can be used as well for cutting and condensing Gutta-Percha.

Step-by-Step Gutta-Percha Cutting and Condensing

1 – need step

2 – need step

3 – need step

 Never Use Water

1. Insert the Gutta-Percha cone into the canal.

2. Use an E10 tip to cut the cone. Release the footswitch and immediately condense the cone.

Dr Kanter Quote

I have been impressed with the responsiveness and quality of the Helse ultrasonic tips.  They are my go to tips for custom bent apical surgery tips.  I routinely use them for non-surgical endodontic therapy and have been impressed with their durability and quality. .”

Dr. Keith Kanter, DDS

Starter Packs to get you going.

Starter Packs to get you going.

We’ve assembled three separate starter packs packaged with a procedure field guide to get you started supercharging ultrasonics in your practice.

Endo Starter Pack

The Endo Starter Pack includes 6 Ultrasonics Tips to get you started with Pulp Chamber, Middle Third and Activation procedures.

Endo Master Pack

The Endo Master Pack includes 12 Ultrasonics Tips for Pulp Chamber, Middle Third, Activation, Post Removal and Retreatment procedures.

Endo Guru Pack

The Endo Guru Pack includes 18 Ultrasonics Tips for maximum flexibility with Pulp Chamber, Middle Third, Activation,Post Removal, Apical Surgery and Retreatment procedures.


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