Cleaning Canals in Retreatment

Better cleaning and minimal dentin loss.
Using chemical solvents to dissolve Gutta-Percha and cement may not be an ideal option. The use of solvents results in filling the whole secondary anatomy, canal walls and dentin tubules with remnants of Gutta-Percha and cement, making it much more difficult to execute a thorough cleaning.
A good available alternative is the combination of ultrasonics and mechanized instruments. Ultrasonic tips should be used to remove Gutta-Percha from the cervical and medium portions of the canal. This method is faster than using manual files and also helps to preserve the canal anatomy because the filling materials are removed with a minimal dentin loss.

1. Using a retreatment rotary file, remove any previous filling material from the canal.

2. The file is not physically able to remove everything.

3. Using a Clearsonic™ or Flatsonic™ tip, touch all canal walls to remove residues.

4. Activate the irrigation solution as a final cleaning step.