Cleaning Canals in Retreatment

Better cleaning and minimal dentin loss.

Using chemical solvents to dissolve Gutta-Percha and cement may not be an ideal option. The use of solvents results in filling the whole secondary anatomy, canal walls and dentin tubules with remnants of Gutta-Percha and cement, making it much more difficult to execute a thorough cleaning. 

A good available alternative is the combination of ultrasonics and mechanized instruments. Ultrasonic tips should be used to remove Gutta-Percha from the cervical and medium portions of the canal. This method is faster than using manual files and also helps to preserve the canal anatomy because the filling materials are removed with a minimal dentin loss. 


<img alt=" R1 Clearsonic™ Ultrasonic Endo Tip"

R1 – Clearsonic™

The R1 Clearsonic™ tip is used for selective cleaning of areas left untouched by traditional files. It is an excellent choice for retreatments, especially in oval shaped canals, and very effective in the removal of Gutta-Percha.


R2 – Flatsonic™

The R2 Flatsonic™ tip is used for selective cleaning of areas left untouched by traditional files. It is an excellent choice for retreatments, especially in long oval canals, where even the R1 Clearsonic would not fit. Very effective in the removal of Gutta-Percha.


E1 – Irrisonic™

Simple to use, clinically effective and economic, the Irrisonic tip is used to activate the irrigating solution after root canal preparation. .01 taper/20 ISO tip sized, Irrisonic can be precurved and used in multiple cases. Recommended use with very low power level (10%).  

1. Using a retreatment rotary file, remove any previous filling material from the canal.

2. The file is not physically able to remove everything.

3. Using a Clearsonic™ or Flatsonic™ tip, touch all canal walls to remove residues.

4. Activate the irrigation solution as a final cleaning step.

Dr Jenner Quote

“Since I Started Using HELSE ultrasonic tips my endodontic clinical practice have became much more easy and predictable; ideal instruments for micro-endodontics with an outstanding cost-benefit ratio.”

Jenner O. Argueta, DDS, MSc – President of the Guatemala Endodontics

Starter Packs to get you going.

Starter Packs to get you going.

We’ve assembled three separate starter packs packaged with a procedure field guide to get you started supercharging ultrasonics in your practice.

Endo Starter Pack

The Endo Starter Pack includes 6 Ultrasonics Tips to get you started with Pulp Chamber, Middle Third and Activation procedures.

Endo Master Pack

The Endo Master Pack includes 12 Ultrasonics Tips for Pulp Chamber, Middle Third, Activation, Post Removal and Retreatment procedures.

Endo Guru Pack

The Endo Guru Pack includes 18 Ultrasonics Tips for maximum flexibility with Pulp Chamber, Middle Third, Activation,Post Removal, Apical Surgery and Retreatment procedures.


When purchasing tips we offer savings for every 6 tips you add to your cart. No discount codes just add to your cart and start saving.