Obturação com Guta-Percha

Ultrassom: mais rápido, fácil e econômico do que uma unidade de aquecimento.

O ultrassom é uma excelente alternativa para termoplastificar a guta-percha Após travamento do cone principal, um inserto ultrassônico fino é posicionado ao longo da extensão apical no interior do canal. Com a ativação, a inserção irá gerar calor e plastificar a guta-percha. Posteriormente, insertos mais volumosos podem ser usados nas porções média e coronária do canal. Ao nível da embocadura os cones podem ser cortados usando os mesmos insertos. Este método pode ser mais econômico do que unidades de aquecimento especializadas com os condensadores correspondentes.



<img alt=" E11 Heatsonic™ Ultrasonic Endo Tip"

E11 – Heatsonic™

The E11 Heatsonic™ is a .05 taper/20 ISO insert, ideal for thermoplasticizing Gutta-Percha in the most apical portion of the canal. To avoid accidental use of water during the procedures, the Heatsonic insert does not have a water port.


E10 – Bulk Removal

The E10 is used for bulk removal of pulp chamber calcifications or other restorative materials that may obstruct the root canal access. It can be used as well for cutting and condensing Gutta-Percha.

Obturação com Guta-Percha Passo a Passo

1 – Passos
2 – Passos
3 – Passos

 Nunca use água

<img src=" Illustration-Thermoplasticizing-Gutta-Percha-1.png" alt=" Step 1 of Obturating with Gutta-Percha">

1. Insira o cone de guta-percha dentro do canal.

<img src="Illustration-Thermoplasticizing-Gutta-Percha-2.png" alt=" Step 2 of Obturating with Gutta Percha">

2. Use o inserto E11 Heatsonic™ para termoplastificar o cone na porcão mais apical do canal.

<img src" Illustration-Thermoplasticizing-Gutta-Percha-3.png" alt=" Step 3 of Obturating with Gutta-Percha">

3. Use an E10 tip to thermoplasticize the cone in the middle and coronal portions of the canal.  Gutta-percha can also be cut and condensed using the E10 as seen here.

Dr. Jose Mauricio Camargo

“There is no question about it: the Bladesonic is a very ergonomic tip and performs a clean cut with minimal root structure loss. It is indispensable to any endodontic arsenal.”

Jose Maurício de Camargo, DDS

Starter Packs to get you going.

Starter Packs to get you going.

We’ve assembled three separate starter packs packaged with a procedure field guide to get you started supercharging ultrasonics in your practice.

Endo Starter Pack

The Endo Starter Pack includes 6 Ultrasonics Tips to get you started with Pulp Chamber, Middle Third and Activation procedures.

Endo Master Pack

The Endo Master Pack includes 12 Ultrasonics Tips for Pulp Chamber, Middle Third, Activation, Post Removal and Retreatment procedures.

Endo Guru Pack

The Endo Guru Pack includes 18 Ultrasonics Tips for maximum flexibility with Pulp Chamber, Middle Third, Activation,Post Removal, Apical Surgery and Retreatment procedures.


When purchasing tips we offer savings for every 6 tips you add to your cart. No discount codes just add to your cart and start saving.

Pack: Starter

Endo Starter Pack

The Endo Starter Pack includes 6 Ultrasonics Tips to get you started with Pulp Chamber, Middle Third and Activation procedures.

Pack: Master

Endo Master Pack

The Endo Master Pack includes 12 Ultrasonics Tips for Pulp Chamber, Middle Third, Activation, Post Removal and Retreatment procedures.

Pack: Guru

Endo Guru Pack

The Endo Guru Pack includes 18 Ultrasonics Tips for maximum flexibility with Pulp Chamber, Middle Third, Activation,Post Removal, Apical Surgery and Retreatment procedures.