The Tip of the Ultrasonic Revolution

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Innovative & Masterfully Designed Ultrasonic Tips That Supercharge Dentistry.

Explore the growing list of minimally invasive procedures with step-by-step guides and masterfully crafted tips

Make Ultrasonics the Most Powerful Tool in Your Practice

Ultrasonics is an incredible tool for dentistry, one that goes far beyond simple scaling. Our state-of-the-art tips deliver outstanding results and we will show you the techniques that allow you to maximize the use of Ultrasonics for Endodontics, Surgery, Restorative Dentistry, Periodontics, and Osteotomy.

Expert Knowledge to Expand Yours

At Helse, we believe in creating great products but also in helping you understand how to use them to their highest potential in your daily practice. We have created step-by-step procedure guides, illustrations and videos so that you will be able to utilize Ultrasonics in your practice immediately.

Dr. Jose Mauricio Camargo

“There is no question about it: the Bladesonic is a very ergonomic tip and performs a clean cut with minimal root structure loss. It is indispensable to any endodontic arsenal.”

Jose Maurício de Camargo, DDS

Designed & Tested by World Renowned Dentists.

Helse Ultrasonic tips are conceived, designed and tested by world renowned dentists. The advanced materials and mechanical design of our products facilitate breakthrough approaches to minimally invasive treatments.

SuperCharge Your Ultrasonics

Unlock the Power of Ultrasonics

At Helse, we want you to take full advantage of the power in your hands and are committed to keeping you up to date on the latest practices in ultrasonics. We invite you to fully explore the potential of Ultrasonics through our free Procedure Guides. If you need further information on the basics of Ultrasonics, click on Get Started and we’ll walk you through it.

Procedure GuidesGet Started